Day #4: Oh What A Day!


There has been much hubbub on Twitter and elsewhere about the figures of Her Royal Highness Catherine, The Dutchess of Cambridge, her sister Pippa Middleton and her mother, Carole Middleton! I can definitely see why as they all three looked amazing today!

While there have been rumors that Kate works out an hour every day and along with her mum, has used the Dukan Diet to slim down for the Royal Wedding, I have not heard a word about how Pippa stays so beautifully slim!

As most of you know, I am currently on the Dukan Diet, which I decided to read about after hearing that it's how Kate Middleton lost her weight for the wedding. I am on day #4 of the diet and still in the pure protein only Attack Phase. Weighing myself after the first 3 days showed that I had lost 4 pounds in just three days of doing this diet!

So far so good. I'm more tired than usual. There are some terribly unglamorous and unpretty side effects that I've experienced and while I won't share them on here, I'm happy to respond to any e-mail queries for anyone considering the diet who would like to know. I don't eat nearly as much as I thought I would, even though I can have as much of the allowed foods as I like. I have been craving variety, but no specific foods or offenders. I soothe myself with coffee, tea, Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke, plenty of water and the occasional 1 calorie sweetener enhanced approved recipe.

I feel really proud of myself, in control and powerful! I have had very few mood swings or rants, which are typical for me when I'm tired and deprived. I have walked by bakeries o'plenty, Doritos by the dozen and junk food aisles without thinking twice! I would say that's a good sign, wouldn't you?

After today, most likely I'll just have one more day of the pure protein attack phase. Depending on results and how I feel, I may or may not opt for 7 days of Attack. Once this is over, I'll be able to have vegetables every other day. As someone who has never cared much for veggies, I'm super surprised at how excited I am to finally add them to my food every other day! There will be so much more variety! Until then, I'm just here, gnawin on my meat like a cave woman, watchin the pounds on the scale reduce every morning and it feels great!

My husband on the other hand has lost 7 pounds. I considered no longer speaking to him, but I decided he's just too cute to get rid of! Hope you're all having a happy Royal Wedding Day!!!

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