Gone as fast as it came.

I woke up today later than I have in a looong time. I will blame that on the bug that I caught from Mr. Hockey that took me out completely about mid-day yesterday. I felt the sore throat coming on on Friday, woke up yesterday with a worse one, then really got hit with like full body sicky-feeling in the afternoon. I spent the remainder of the day in bed, and just got out of it at about 10:45 this morning! It was all worth it because I feel so much better today! Good thing too, because I have a sorority meeting at 4:30 and Sunday dinner at my mom's with my sister's and significant others. In addition to the time spent in bed, I do account my quick bounce-back to the lovely people at Nature's Sunshine. This is the first time I've been sick in a LONG time because of them. My mom is an independent consultant for this natural supplement company, and I am slowly building up my own business on the side. Anyway, they are the most wonderful company and they have a natural vitamin or supplement for literally ANY AILMENT. They also believe a lot in preventative care measures, so they recommend many supplements to be added to anyone's daily regime to prevent disease and illness down the road. Its really good stuff, I would recommend you take a look at their website if you get a chance. I would love to answer any questions you have or get you started with an order.

I will take this time to suggest one of their newest products, which is the Silver Sheild Gel. It is the long awaited alternative to anti-bacterials. There is no alcohol in this product, so its safe for children and won't dry out your skin. And, it moisturizes while it works! You may be wondering how it works since it does not have the normal "anti-bacterial" chemicals in it, but it uses colloidal silver in small doses, which has been proven to zap harmful bacteria outside and inside the body. I have a lot of really great info about the uses on colloidal silver including a dvd, so if anyone is interested in getting their hands on that, let me know! Anyway, I will post information on different Nature's Sunshine products from time to time, but please let me know if you ever have any questions or would like to order. And, if you do order and sign up for an account, ask me for my member number, so you can list me as your sponsor when you sign up to buy anything!

Ok, enough of my advertising! Its a beautiful day again today and I can't wait to get outside! :-)


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