

You may or may not remember me posting about the wonderful job interview I had about 3 weeks ago. Well, I have not posted much more about it because it has been a little bit slow to develop. However, I did receive a message from the HR director last week, letting me know she was leaving for vacation but would contact me upon her return for feedback/next steps. She will be back on Monday and I am praying soooo hard that when she contacts me it will be to schedule interview #2! I have felt really good about this since Day 1 and I am hoping that it all works out! It will be such a great opportunity!

So, please keep your good thoughts and prayers coming my way! :o)

Since we are on the topic.. A new job will be a very welcomed part of my near future. I really don't like to complain about my job, because I know in this economy and time I am lucky to have a steady means of income. However, I am restless to begin doing something that I really love. My current job is literally just a post-graduation, pay-the-bills, kinda job.

In the event that this job opportunity does not work out (but it will! I know it!), if anybody in the metro-Detroit area knows of any fabulous job opportunities, please do not hesitate to send them my way!

In the meantime, let's all pray that this country's economic and job situation begins to improve. I know so many people are struggling daily to make ends meet in a job market where there is so little opportunity. It is temporary, but for those whom it affects, I know it must seem like an eternity!


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