Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all momma's!!

L and I just got back from brunch at my mom's. My sisters and I made a delicious late breakfast of eggs & tomatoes, sausage, bacon, english muffins, and the most yummy banana & chocolate chip pancakes! We are stuffed!! We showered my mom with cards and flowers because she is the most wonderful momma anyone could ask for! She is one of the strongest, most intelligent, beautiful, and dedicated people I know! My sisters and I are so lucky to have her as our mom :-)

The rest of today is going to be spent getting things together for the garage sale next weekend and probably relaxing and starting season 3 of One Tree Hill. Let me tell you, I was finally talked into watching that show and I am now obsessed! Well, maybe obsessed is a little extreme, but I LOVE IT! And, the funny part is, L loves it too! He almost NEVER gets into a show like that. He talks about how cheesy they are, etc.. but you should see the little smile he gets on his face when I ask if he wants to watch an episode. He's hooked too! Anyway, we're obviously reeeally behind, but luckily one of my good friends has every season on dvd and is letting us borrow them as we go.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday/Mother's Day!!


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