Our neighbor is kitty sitting for her friends that are providing a foster home for this momma cat, her kittens, and an orphan kitty (pictured above) whom she's gladly welcomed to her brood thanks to the humane society. You can imagine my excitement when I received a text message yesterday saying "wanna come over and play with kittens?" They are adorable!!!

The momma cat is a wild cat and she's a bit virile and extremely protective!

Her babies are so sweet! All of these cats are in need of a good home! If you need a cat and you're in Cayman, contact the humane society! If you are in the US, they do have a program where they pay for the fees for someone who's flying to the US to carry the cat on the plane and meet the new owners... not sure how it works, but I've heard about it.

The orphan kitty is my favorite! Her name is Piper because she was very ill and abandoned when she was found. She has survived several surgeries and was named Piper because she had a tube/pipe sticking out of her for a few days, hence the scab on her little back. She was very frail, but now drinks from the adopted momma cat or from a bottle. I got to feed her tonight and when she finished, she curled up on my lap and purred herself to sleep! SO SWEET!!!

The kittens are already litter trained! AMAZING!
I hope you're all having a great weekend!
Pink Julep!
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