New books on the way

I'm a bit in stand by with my readings.
I do not read a book  since I closed the last page of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
Do you remember?

Now, I really need to read something relaxing, romantic and funny. Any suggestion?
I am very affectionate to some English writers, I'm truly addicted to their books. I even don't wait for translation in Italian, since it takes months to have their books in my country and I really can't wait. So I usually go to amazon and after a few days I have my books in my hands. Delightful sensation!!!

So, I happened to know that two of these favourite writers are almost ready with their latest work.
Can you imagine I'm counting the days to these books' release....

A perfect proposal

Sophie Apperly's family has never taken her seriously. Fiercely academic, they see her more practical skills as frivolous whilst constantly taking advantage of her. So when her best friend Milly invites her over to New York, she jumps at the chance. It'll do her ungrateful family good to do without her for a while. What s more, she's on a quest America holds the key to solving her family's financial woes, even if they don't deserve her help.

From the moment Sophie hits the bright lights of Manhattan she's determined to enjoy every minute of her big adventure. So when an evening at an art gallery throws her into the path of Matilda, a spirited old lady who invites her to Connecticut for Thanksgiving, Sophie willingly accepts, much to the dismay of Matilda's grandson Luke. Undeniably attractive but infuriatingly arrogant, he is very protective of his grandmother and seems to doubt Sophie's motives for befriending her. No match for the formidable Matilda, he eventually admits defeat, but first he has a proposal to make. He'll help Sophie in her quest to save her family from financial ruin if she repays the favour. But just what does she have to do in return...?

I love Katie Fforde's books. They're so romantic and positive. Her heroines are strong and funny and they always find love and the job of their dreams. It sounds so easy....but it's nice to dream for a few hours and forget the rest. It takes no more than two or three days to read her books, I devour them.

{Release date: 10 June 2010}

But this is the real book I was waiting for:

Mini Shopaholic

Aren't you a big fan of Sophie Kinsella? I am....I have all her books, I read them twice or more. They work better than 'happiness pill'. Reading her books is a moment of pure joy for me.
I like the great and heavy readings, the best sellers, the books everyone talk about, the serious ones, the storic ones. When I was 14 I used to read Shakespeare. Now, I need to laugh and dream a little bit. I'm getting old I know, and having a sort of regression.....Funny uh?

I really can't wait to read this very one. Becky Bloomwood and her daughter Minnie going for shopping.
How much fun this must be!!

{Release date: 2 sept 2010}

And you, what are you reading at the moment?
Which is the book of your life, the one you read every year?


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