Queen for a Day!

Thank you to Kristen @ Grosgrain Lane for making me a Queen of All Things Awe-summm!! :o)

My queenly duties include:

1. List seven things that make me awe-summm!!
2. Pass the award on to seven bloggers I read religiously.
3. Tag those 7 bloggers.
4. Don't forget to link the Queen that tagged me.
5. Copy the pic and put it into my sidebar.

The Seven Bloggers I tag are:

1. Sugar & Spice
2. Jimmy Choos & Tennis Shoes
3. Her Highness of Cute
4. The Ross Family
5. Sweet Simplicity
6. French Kiss
7. Pink Julep

And here are my 7 Awe-summm traits:

1. I can find my way anywhere without a GPS- I think I have an inner compass.
2. I know how to survive in the woods.. thanks to my daddy!
3. I can see the good in everyone (give or take a few!)
4. I am really sentimental (can be a bad thing too.. sentimental=tears!)
5. I am very loyal. I could never turn my back on someone I love.
6. I am always up for traveling to new places and trying new things (unless it involves going reeeally reallly high into the air!!)
7. I have a big heart- and will love my fiance and family (current and future) with everything I have until my dying day!!


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