RIP iPod :-(

My iPod has officially bitten the big one. It happened yesterday.. in the middle of my run! Music is half of my motivation out there so I was NOT happy. Luckily I did alright without a good beat to run to, but I'm definitely bummed that its completely finished. I even just recently bought an adorable black and white cover for it, which I obviously have no use for since I will probably get an even smaller one this time to keep up with technology. This one was a mini, and I know there are even better iPods out there now.. so here presents the real test. Which one do should I buy now?? I think the nanos are pretty popular, and my sister has one and seems to like it. I checked out the Apple website today, and like the pink, green, or black one.
Anyone else have a nano and want to share their satisfaction of lack there of with me?? Or, do you have another model and think its absolutely-fab? Would love to hear opinions! :-)


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