Yay! It's done! Celebrating with a GIVEAWAY!

Between color consultations, those dandelions
and building the new website I've been away from blogging for a bit...

I miss reading about your exploits :)
There's going to have to be a day in the near future filled with tea and blog reading...

But, BIG NEWS,  as of today the site is officially launched, WOOHOO!!!

since you aren't here to share the wine, figs and prosciutto,
I thought maybe you'd like to try out one of my new online color consultations...

I'll help you choose paint colors for any room in your house, and it's on me :)

In order to win, just follow the blog, and check out the new 10 Rooms Design headquarters...
then come back and give me your feedback!

Please be honest,
if you think there's something that needs changing,
just tell me..

it's not like I spent hours on the design...
 sweating each link and picture, engrossed in color and font choices, lol!

But really, if it could be more functional or pretty I do actually want to know :)

pics from here here here

The comments will be open until next Monday, May 30 and Tuesday I'll post the winner..

Hope you guys are having a fabulous day - x


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