Back To You.

Hi friends!

I'm excited to be back to Oh, Sweet September. There was a little chunk missing from my life in the last several months and I'm extremely happy to be back to the blog with a new look, new things to blog about, and a chance to get back in touch with my friends out there in the blog world!

So much has happened since 2010, and though I will try to recap some of the big things, the exciting thing is that there are also so many things to look forward to in the second half of 2011. And what's even better is that I can share it with all of you again!

So, without further adeiu, I would like to thank the wonderful Marina at Penny Lane Designs for Oh, Sweet September's new look. Check out her website for many beautiful pre-fab blog layouts, custom designs, and all sorts of fun extras for your blog.

Looking forward to reconnecting with all of you!


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