The Harvey Nichols Knightsbridge Summer Shopping Party Event

I received this invitation a few weeks ago for a shopping event at Harvey Nichols and immediately put it in my calendar. I always love these events! There are discounts, free drinks, food, live music and the buzz of fashionistas is fun! The one I attended before Christmas sent me home packing a purse full of samples. I wasn't so lucky this time, but Marc and I had a great time.

I thought I mistakenly somehow ended up in Cayman again when I walked through the doors and was greeted with these guys!

The TB section was MAD! People were buying the discounted Reva's left and right!

I absolutely died over these made-to-order Ports 1961 dresses. They are beautiful and they have an interesting texture to touch. It feels like furry cotton candy (or candy floss as it's called here in London!).

Karl Lagerfeld has designed some limited edition collectable Diet Coke bottles and they're all decorated in black, pink and white. They're adorable and would be an adorable inexpensive gift for your favorite fashionista! Marc bought me the pink and white striped one against my protesting, but now I'm happy to have it! It will look cute among my collection of other weirdo knick knacks!

My favorite part of being at the event was seeing the windows at the Harvey Nichols Knightsbridge store! They had their windows decorated with fashions from various Alexander McQueen shows in celebration of the Met Museum's "Savage Beauty" exhibit, which I just read has been extended to August due to high demand for tickets!

This was my favorite piece and Marc's favorite too! We're both fans of Alexander McQueen and this dress is truly representative of his genius and how much he'll be truly missed in the fashion world. Made of feathers, each plume is delicately layered to create this flower petal effect and it's truly stunning!

This was my second favorite. Who doesn't love a dress with a carousel motif?

All in all it was a great night! We finished it off with dinner at a great place near our flat called Hare & Tortoise where we noshed on sushi rolls and Japanese food! I didn't buy much at the event. Truth be told, I only walked away with my Karl Lagerfeld Diet Coke and 3 bags of delicious overpriced gourmet potato chips that I just couldn't resist!

To see what I wore to the event, click here to visit my other blog Pink Julep's Dressing Room!

Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway! Click here!

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