A Southbank Kind of Day

The Millinium Bridge

Yesterday I met Marc near Waterloo for a little date at the Tate Modern Museum! I love the Tate cause it's soooo crazy! There are some great pieces of art there including works by Diego Rivera, Picasso, Warhol and Lichtenstein. I also discovered on this trip that one of my new favorites is Diane Arbus. I've always known of her and her work, but seeing it this time made something click and now I love it! While there are some great works of art, there are always some funny ones too. We saw a video that was just garbage blowing in the wind continuously. I get the meaning, but it was funny. We also saw a piece that was sheep doodies basically on toothpicks. Very funny!

The Tate Modern

The Tate Modern is housed in a converted power station. It opened in 2000 and sits right by the River Thames and the Millinium Bridge.

The Green Outside the Tate Modern

The Tate Modern is completely free except for their special exhibitions which usually cost about GBP 15.00. So there are always a lot of students and artists hanging out and sketching. There's a beautiful green area in front of it where there were loads of people just chillin and enjoying the sun!

Gabriel's Wharf Entrance

When we got tired of looking at art, we ventured out in search of a drink or a cup of coffee. We stumbled upon this great area called Gabriel's Wharf. There are loads of little shops, pubs and eateries with outdoor seating. There was a cool atmosphere of artsy people as well as an international vibe going on at the wharf. It was great!

House of Crepes at Gabriel's Wharf

We sat down outside House of Crepes for a treat and a drink. Marc chose a lemon and sugar crepe. I had one with strawberries and Nutella with a latte. It was heavenly and lots of fun!

Crepe from House of Crepes at Gabriel's Wharf

On the beach at South Bank

After our crepes, we walked along the river and we found where these people had done a portrait of Homer Simpson in the sand by the river. There were people doing tricks in a skateboarding park and it was a really fun atmosphere along the Southbank of London.

Statue of Lawrence Olivier outside the National Theatre

Tuna Pizza from Pizza Max

On a totally random note, I wanted to share a new favorite with you. Last week I ordered a pizza with ham & cheese. When it arrived, the ham was dark and smelled different. I tasted it and it definitely wasn't ham. It was TUNA! And funny enough, though I wouldn't order it all the time, it was delicious! I hope you're all having wonderful weekends!

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