Starting school
Filing for Unemployment-I am now in the Michigan majority I believe.. eek!
Planning a fabulous Bachelorette Evening for Miss KT Did!
Finishing New Moon-sooo good :o)
Running around catching up on appointments
Getting together addresses for our wedding invitations- they go out next week!
Making list upon list for the 2 month homestretch of our wedding day!
Catching up on things around the house
It was such a relaxing week, though. It felt really nice to not be rushing around to get everything done. It was a good stress-reliever because my job had become very stressful in the last several months.
So, speaking of one of the items on my accomplished list- KT Did's Bachelorette Party is this Tuesday! We have a super fun evening planned and I can't wait to kick off her wedding week! I would post our plans, but they are a suprise for her! So, I promise to recap afterwards! I can't believe she will be Mrs. P in only 9 days! Congrats KT!!
Speaking of Mrs. P, that's who I will be in two months! Our invitations are absolutely beautiful and are being finished this weekend, with addresses being printed early next week. Then they ship to us and go into the mail from here! Can you believe it?! I feel like it was just yesterday that he asked me to marry him!? :o)
Well, I hope everyone has another wonderful weekend! We are heading back up to the lake with a couple of friends for the weekend. When we get back, I'll be back on the road within 24 hours to head to the West side of the state for KT's big wedding week!! I'll also be shopping with Dad for his wedding suit, picking up my sister's flower girl dress, and hanging out with my Chessie-girl! Speaking of Chessie.. we received some FABULOUS news recently!! This February, Lance & I will have a new addition to our little family-to-be.. Yes, Chessie is scheduled to have puppies this Winter! Finally we will have a little golden baby of our own! I am beyond excited and know that if I've waiting this long, I can wait another 6 months.. but, boy, its going to be hard! I'll just keep looking at this little face~

Have a great weekend everyone!
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