Well, that has definitely changed. Today, my brother-in-law, a West Point graduate and 1st Lieutenant in the United States Army, will leave to head back to his Army base in Colorado to prepare for deployment to Afghanistan in 10 days. He will be there for at least one year and it could be a total of 18 months. This is what they have spent years preparing for. It seemed like the time would never come, but it has and its emotional for all of us. I'm sure everything will be okay, but sending a loved one off to a new and scary place is just a very difficult thing. The unknowns, the risks, it just weighs heavy on my heart.
He, like so many others, is risking his life for this country. He is stepping into this unknown, scary place so that we can live our wonderful, free lives here in the United States. We are so proud of him and appreciate what he is doing for us every day. We will pray for him all of the time and look forward to the day he gets to come back home!
If you all have a moment, please pray for his safe travels and his health, safety, and happiness in the upcoming year. Good bless our troops!
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