Saturday Chores

Occasionally, my husband will beg me to go shopping or go to the spa so he can watch some horrendous, gratuitously violent manflick! I am generally happy to oblige! Especially after sorting through my make-up gear the other day and finding that I'm in serious need of an update! So this morning, I'm heading out to the duty-free shops to update my make-up bag and I'm planning to look for this:
Chanel Nouvelle Vague
I just adore turquoise and if this has made it to the island yet, I simply must have this on my toes!!!

I'm also going to hit up the NARS counter to update my collection! NARS is quickly becoming my go-to for make-up! So far I'm in love with every product I've purchased there and I'm ready to do some damage to my credit card this morning!!!

After some duty-free retail therapy, I'm going to to Focus Salon for a Therawax Pedicure (much needed!) and to get my bushy eyebrows shaped and sorted out! They're blonde so not particularly problematic, but they have officially taken over my face and I feel like a werewolf!

And while I'm out for this day of shopping and beauty, hubby will be home watching this....

Should be a great day for all involved! Now if I could only get the rain to stop, it would be perfect!
What are your weekend plans?
Pink Julep!


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