As you may remember from earlier posts, I was enrolling back in school to study and finish my degree in Interior Design. Well, I had an Aha! moment, and plans have changed. Its a big change actually.. I think I'm going to go back to school to become a nurse! It is a compleeeete 180, and frankly something I never seriously considered. But, after much debate about where to really go career-wise, and some great information from the experienced, I think this is the way I want to go. My Bachelors degree is in Psychology and I would complete nursing school to become a Psychiatric Nurse. I would be working in an environment that made me want to get into Psychology in the first place. I want to be able to help people who are struggling, whether it be from mental illness, disorders, or addictions. In addition, there is huuuuge job security in this field, and it will be flexible when "family-time" comes. Speaking of flexible, I will not be dropping my love of Interior Design and Decor, and with this career, I still have the option of working on my own (Interior Decor/Design, etc.) on the side! Anyway, there is an accelerated program I can get into and two summers from now I will be completely finished (it won't begin until May). In case you do not know, L is a nurse, working on becoming a Nurse Practitioner. He still has some timeleft in school, but he has been down the path I'm seriously considering and has assured me he will be there for me 100% along the way.. good, I'm going to need a full time tutor! I am still gathering information and doing LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of thinking, but I'm feeling good about where this will take me. I hope this is all that I'm hoping for because I have done the "What-to-do-with-my-life" dance a miiiiillion times (as you can tell). I am at a point where I want something that I'm passionate about that is ALSO secure, guaranteed, and financially rewarding. KWIM?

Have any of you made any similar "major" career/educational changes? Any words of advice for the nervous??
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