A Busy Week Re-cap!

Hey everyone!

So it has been over a week since I last posted.. eeek! Its because I have been super busy! Last week was spent finishing up my online class (still not done, but very close!). Then, on Wednesday, my sisters and I headed up North to the Au Sable River to spend time with my Dad, step-mom, and littlest sister. We had a blast!! We camped, swam in the FREEEZING river, had Dad's delicious camp-stove pancake breakfast, bonfires both nights- complete with s'mores, lounged on the pond dock and got some color while we played Skip-bo, read magazines in the hammock in the middle of the woods... and just had a wonderful, relaxing time :o) I will say, though, that I came home with some "roughin' it" scars. Yes, a hot s'mores skewer got the best of me the first night, thanks to my little sister.. lots of mederma and silver so that this little beauty does not accompany us on our wedding day...

It actually looks better now (in this photo).. the day after it was hideous and red, and I thought ohhh lovely.. no ring shots at our wedding! lol
We came home Friday night and my sisters got to work prepping for my "Cupcakes & Cocktails" Personal Shower/Bachelorette Party on Saturday. It was SO MUCH FUN! 10 of my girlfriends and my sisters were there and they did such an awesome job planning the whole night!! I wish I had more photos to share, but my camera died about about 15 minutes in.. my sister got some really awesome shots that she will be sending to me, so I will post more then!! Here are just a couple:

So much fun and such yummy cupcakes and cocktails!!

Yesterday Lance and I spent the afternoon in Royal Oak, one of my favorite towns. He got his haircut and we had lunch on the patio at Mongolian BBQ.. oh so good! Then we ventured across the street to a t-shirt store that we saw had some Red Wing gear.. Lance bought me two super cute vintage Red Wing shirts!! So now I'm all ready for the upcoming season!!

Now all we need are season tickets :o)

Today I'm going to pick up my wedding dress!!!! (edit-not ready yet.. they told me one more fitting on Monday and I should be set!) The rest of the day is going to be spent working on my final casebook for the literature class I have been taking online. Then at 1:00 I have an appointment with my new employer! I'm going to nanny! Its perfect for while I'm in school and unemployed! Its a little girl and little boy.. she's 5 and he just turned a year old. Their mom is the sister of one of my friends and I'm so excited to meet the little ones! She isn't wasting anytime and my first day is tomorrow!

Look for more wedding updates soon! We are less than 4 weeks away and I am so so so soooo excited!!


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