Back To Work!

Well, summer is pretty much "officially" over, sooner than expected, for this gal!

When I went in for a little meeting with my boss yesterday, she let me know that they needed some extra help prepping for the students to come back in about two weeks and of course I offered to help!

Since I was transferred to a new building this year, today was a great, low-key, first day back to meet my new co-workers and get used to the building. My new co-workers are wonderful. So friendly, so helpful, and I just know I'm going to really enjoy working there.

Next week I'll be working just a couple of days, but I think its safe to say.. Summer vacation is no more! But I'm actually a-okay with that. Its going to feel good to get back into the routine.

Tilly's summer vacation is officially over now too, though. Even though Lance's schedule allows him to be home a couple of days during the week, Miss Tilly will be back on our work-schedule. Luckily, I work very close to home and can come home to let her out and give her some love at lunchtime! Otherwise, she'll be back to holding down the fort and greeting us at the window when we get home!


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