I'm still here!

I'm a little behind on my blogging! It has been a busy busy weekend and beginning of the week and I'm slowly getting caught up on all of your blogs.

My sisters and I helped my dad, step-mom, and little sister make their big move across the state this past weekend. My dad had an incredible job opportunity come up last winter, and he has been "commuting" to the west side of the state for the past couple of months to get his new company off of the ground. They found a house in July and he's been there during the week and back in metro-Detroit on weekends while they worked out the sale or rental of their house back here. Luckily, they have found 3 young professionals to rent their house for the time being. They made a huuuuge addition on this house a couple of years back and were worried about the real estate market right now, and getting what they put into the house, etc. The rental gives them time to wait for the market to get better or find someone ready to pay top dollar for their home.

Just when we thought we had lifted our last piece of furniture, and walked our last boxes up flights of stairs, Monday was time to move my sisters to school! They have an absolutely adorable apartment with two other girls right on the main street of campus! L was off and I took the day off of work to help get them moved in. We made a trip to IKEA to get lofts for their QUEEN size beds.. how cool is that?! I didn't even think they made lofts that big! It gives them soooo much more space in their room. Anyway, L was a dear and he and my sister K's boyfriend put the lofts together and hung some other things in the apartment. While we were there, my mom and I walked to the campus bookstore and I bought my books for my two graduate classes. Its nice that both of my sisters are on campus so that if I'm ever too exausted to drive home after my Tuesday night classes I can crash at their place!

Today I went into work for a few hours and have been working from home since lunch time. I've made some interview appointments for one of our Directors that I'm doing the recruiting for and I think he will be pleased with his candidates when he returns home from his business trip!

Speaking of work, I have some faaabulous career news/opportunity in the works. I promise I will post all about it as soon as things become official! Let me just say though, the HR decision was DEFINITELY the right move :)

Oh yeah, one more thing! Her Highness of Cute has given me the Diamon Award! :) I'm so honored and will make my Diamond Award post later tonight! Thank you to her!!


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