Bird Watching, Pirate Ships, Churches and Shakespeare... All on the South Bank

I love the South Bank area of London. There's so much to see! We started near the Tate Modern the other day where we saw these signs everywhere. Basically, these people unleashed some birds of prey to perch on ledges at the Tate Modern and you could only see them through telescope looking things... it was free so I looked at their birds... kinda cool!

I just love the Millennium Bridge! It's so interesting and pretty. I think it really fits in well with the other London surroundings.

We walked by Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and took a peek inside. That was fun!

And then we stumbled onto this Pirate Ship... it's for children's birthday parties and you can even book sleepovers! How cool would that be?

We passed these houses or whatever they are and I just thought they were so beautiful! I would love to live there!

The Southwark Cathedral is quite beautiful. It's 1,000 years old and boasts a long list of famous people who were once associated with the establishment including Shakespeare, Dickens and Chaucer.

Isn't it gorgeous?

What are your favourite things to see along London's South Bank?

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