Back in the winter, I made a gift basket for a friend. Well, I'm heading over to a summer birthday/pool party extravaganza for two friends of mine. One is a gal I work with and another is a girl I ran cross country with since she was a freshman. She kicked my butt! Carley and Mattie are both having this joint birthday, so as I drove home from the beach (that's why I've been so MIA) I thought about what to get them. Then it popped into my head: make gift baskets! Well, I came home, dropped off my stuff, and headed over to Michael's. I figured it would make the best place to get lots of cute stuff AND the most important part of the gift, the basket. When I made my gift basket in December, the holder was the second most expensive item that was part of the gift! Well this was my experience this time.
Step one: tracking down cute (matching) containers for the gifts. I got these aluminum containers with plastic liners.

Step three: organize the gift basket items per birthday princess, for your own help. I got paper products, lollipops and ribbons (and birthday crowns that match each basket!!!) for the baskets.

Step five: place the unwrapped gift basket in the cellophane, so your folding it "hamburger style". Instead of doing it "hot dog" style, you want the cellophane to be as wide as possible. It seems silly, I know, but it makes a big difference when you gather all of it up with the seams.

Then you're done! I closed mine with ribbon that matches the basket and added the crowns around the very top of the closure! I think they look fab if I do say so myself!
Not to mention, I did it all for $44.91. That's just over $22 per basket! Try one for your next gift-giving opportunity or swap trade!!
PS. I'm having minor computer troubles with following blogs. I've reported the bugs to apple, but everytime I try to follow a blog, Safari spontaneously shuts down :( As soon as I'm able to follow you guys again, I'll be catching up with my new followers I promise promise promise! Thanks for the new followers!
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