Healthy Wife, Healthy Life returns!

I'll be honest, I'm mad at myself.

For the year leading up to our wedding and the year following, I had a membership at a kickboxing gym. I went 2 or 3 times per week and it was the best workout routine of my life. I felt so in shape, strong, energized, and everything I wore fit great.

Well, I'm sure you can tell where this is going... I stopped going. Why? I can blame it on a busy schedule. I can blame it on being too tired. Neither excuse is a good one though. And now, I'm so mad at myself for stopping. That fit and trim body definitely doesn't just stick around. After a year of not really focusing on fitness much at all, I'm paying for it.

So, I'm taking steps to getting myself back into that shape! I've known that in addition to jogging and eating better, I need to have that type of exercise back. Even though the class was awesome, I didn't want to buy the membership again (thanks Dave Ramsey:) ). The next best thing happened though, because on Sunday we bought one of these:

My new kickboxing training bag! I'm so excited. I know this is going to take dedication and follow through on my part, but I'm ready! I even have a couple of girlfriends who want to come over and have our own "kickboxing class" where we can push and motivate each other.

As soon as Lance put it together on Sunday evening, I tried it out. It felt great to put my wraps and gloves on again. But, yesterday morning was the first real workout. My friend came over and we kicked our own behinds! It was tough but felt so good afterward. And thinking about getting back in shape made it feel even better :) I'm so glad we bought it.

I'm going to dedicate myself to doing the bag workout every other day. There, I said it.

I have to make this change. I'm going to! I don't want to be mad at myself anymore!

What is your best workout routine?


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