September on its way...

In case you can't tell by the name of my blog, I'm a total Fall girl, with September being one of my favorite months of the year! No surprise that we chose to be married that month. In Michigan, its 30 days of gorgeous weather, the beginning of Fall colors, and the smell of Autumn just around the corner.

Being that it is already the 24th of August (can you believe it?!), the anticipation of Fall is in full force. To add to my excitement, I opened my mailbox to find this yesterday...

I've always loved reading Southern Living, and I'm excited that the Midwest has our very own magazine now, all about the wonderful things life in the Midwest has to offer. It truly is a beautiful part of the country, and if you ever have the chance to visit (especially during the Fall) you should! Our Fall color is magical!

Speaking of the Midwest, the next two weekends are filled with travel plans to a few of our region's gems. This weekend, Lance and I are packing up the car and heading to Traverse City with another couple. We're going to visit the wine country and do some wine tasting, spend some time in downtown Traverse City and Suttons Bay, and just take in the end-of-summer beauty of Northern Michigan :)

Since our family cabin is only about an hour from TC, we'll be staying there which means we'll also be spending time on the lake! Perfect for this pasty girl who needs a little August color!

Next weekend, I'm heading to the great city of Chicago! Two of my sisters are moving there and we're packing up the moving truck and getting them settled in. They'll be living in an apartment just North of Wrigleyville and I'm so excited for them (and for my visits!). We grew up visiting Chicago several times a year. Us girls usually do a Chicago shopping trip, and now I know we're only going to see the city more. Its about a 5 hour drive from where we live in Michigan, so its a perfect weekend getaway destination.

I'm taking my last summer semester final tonight, then I'm home-free until the Fall semester begins and its time to go back to work. Two weeks of relaxation, traveling, and getting ready for a big Fall!

We'll celebrate our one-year anniversary September 12th, take an anniversary trip to Martha's Vineyard at the end of September, I'll begin and finish my last semester of classes and observations for my second degree, and get ready for student teaching and becoming a certified teacher.

I'm definitely excited and ready for the arrival of Fall!

Are you? What do you love about Fall where you live?


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