Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from Mr. & Mrs. Mouse!

Mr. Mouse is working all weekend.. boooo! So, Mrs. Mouse is going to spend today getting lots and lots done around the house! Things have been very neglected this week since I had midterms and Lance worked a lot of the week. So I'm tackling a few projects today! One, is our office closet. Eeeeek! Now that's scary! I'm not going to show the before picture until I have the "after" picture to redeem myself :o)

Also on the agenda-

  • Laundry
  • Washing floors/mopping
  • Taking in my bags of clothes to donate to Good Will
  • Cleaning/organizing the office
  • Maybe getting a jump-start on my Grad projects
  • Doing a little more name-changing work

I should have been Cinderella for Halloween! Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day whether your taking your kids trick-or-treating, passing out candy, going to a Halloween party, or just relaxing at home. Its the last day of October.. can you believe it?!


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