Missing YOU ALL!

Hi Everyone!

Wow. Don't I feel like a stranger!? Blogging has been a non-existant part of my life this month :( I am not exaggerating when I say I am busier than ever. Full-time work+Full-time school=a stand still some of my extracurriculars. Unfortunately, my blogging time has taken a hit. First, because I rarely have time to sit down and come up with a post.. and honestly, I don't think it would be all too interesting to describe my days filled with elementary school students and graduate courses. Actually, some of it would be quite interesting.. but getting a chunk of time when I'm not exhausted, to get it all out, is what is making it next to impossible!

I want you all to know that I am still reading your posts when I ca
n. In between classes I'll pull up my blog. I haven't been much of a commenter, but I'm reading when I get some time! I love my blogging friends and I LOVE reading all about your lives and its something I definitely will not give up! But, for now, I hope you'll stay with me as I ride out this busy, busy time. Even if I go a couple of weeks (or more) without a post, know that I am still around and I will be back to more blogging when my schedule becomes more calm and more normal.

There ARE some very exciting things going on around the P household. Lance is up for a big promotion at work, we are preparing to sell our home in the next year, I will begin student teaching at a great high school in January, and we are getting closer and closer to being able to make some of our dreams and goals a reality :)

One thing I HAVE been having some time to explore is my love for photography. I have always been very taken with design and photographs (I have a minor in Interior Design). We have a fabulous camera and I have been making learning about photography a hobby. It has been so much fun, and I will share some of my favorite shots with you all from time to time! I'm excited about a new portrait lens I'm learning to use and a cutesy camera bag we purchased so that I look a little more stylish when I tote my camera with me :)

I hope all of you are doing wonderfully! It looks like many of you are having exciting and fun Fall seasons. I can't believe how fast we are moving toward the Christmas and the holiday season, and I can't wait to read about all of the fun that comes along with it!

Peace & Love to All,



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