...and I need to get organized!
Seriously, I am in a funk. I know, you're probably thinking "WHAT?! You just got back from a week-long, relaxing vacation.. how can you be in a funk already?!" But honestly, the vacation was also a vacation from being in a funk, and now that we've returned.. the funk is back.
I didn't share this on the blog yet, but our basement flooded BIG TIME about 2 weeks before we left for the Vineyard. Our once beautiful, finished basement is no more :( If we want to get it back to the way it was, we have some work to do. But in the meantime, it has caused some disarray in our already teeny house.
The Before:
So sad. But, we had to tackle the issue head on. All of the carpet and furniture has been removed, floors have been bleached and cleaned, and now we're in this sort of "what to do now" state. We will decide if we're going to replace the carpet and such, but in the meantime, several things have been displaced. Our corner sofa, chair, and ottoman are in the garage, our spare blankets, pillows, etc.. are piled in the spare bedroom, our laundry room was basically relocated to the spare bedroom for goodness sakes! The other random things have taken up residence in the office. Me no likey.
When we left for vacation, we definitely had a handle on the situation (the basement had been completely sanitized and such).. but the rest of the house was sort of left in its disarray. Now that I'm back, there is so much I'd like to accomplish, but I feel so busy and so unorganized. And for me, organization is the key to any kind of motivation. When I feel unorganized, I feel overwhelmed, and feeling overwhelmed for can be debilitating when it comes to the things I want to get done. Not to mention it puts me in a bad mood :( Its a fault of mine and I don't like it.
So, I know what has to be done. We just need to buckle down and get this house back into order! Therefore, I have taken a "personal evening" off of school tonight. As soon as I sign off, I am getting to work. I will feel organized by the time I go to bed tonight if it kills me! I know everything won't be finished and in place, but I'll have a chunk tackled, to-do lists made, and life at home will return to normal. God please send me the focus and motivation!
Alright, thanks for letting me rant! It was a step toward getting out of this funk!
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