The Right Stuff..

Circa 1990, these boys were on a poster in my room...

...and these are the middle aged men I'm going to see in concert tonight!

Yes, that's right. New Kids On The Block is coming to Detroit tonight and I and three girlfriends will be there! We have great seats (compliments of my company!), and I cannot wait! I tried to find a video to post here, but youtube won't allow embedding of their videos, so you'll have to check the site yourself if you want a total 90's blast from the past! You can bet I will be buying a t-shirt tonight to remember this once in a lifetime reunion. And, of course, I promise many pictures for all of you other 90's kids who can appreciate a little NKOTB.

In the spirit of this flash-back event, here are some New Kids things I had as a kid...

A poster very similar to this! I had the huuuugest crush on Joey McIntyre. Maybe because he was the youngest and I was pretty young when I discovered New Kids. He's still adorable in his late 30's?

The Christmas album. I think I had "I Still Believe in Santa Clause" and "This One's for the Children" on repeat for a good portion of winter 1992 (it came out in 1989!).

And you KNOW I had this one. There are some classics on this album, haha. Go to to get yet another flash back. They have clips from all of the songs on the album!.
So anyway, as you can see, I super excited for this show! I'll make sure to post a recap complete with pictures tomorrow!

Now, off to get a much needed massage and do some shopping! :-)


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