
So for Halloween, my promise to myself was to a) not pay for my costume ideally and b) not look trashy. I am not a huge fan of Halloween, and in my family we try as hard as possible to not celebrate it. Since I've stopped Trick or Treating when I was like in 5th grade-maybe-I've followed in my family's footsteps and never really been into the holiday. However, since being at college Halloween is taken VERY seriously. I attended 3 Halloween parties and attempted to have 3 different costumes. My goals were clear and simple and I somehow managed to fulfill both believe it or not! For my residence hall, we had a "Rave to the Grave". I'm on my residence hall government so I helped a lot in the planning of the event. I was more than happy to help run it but I had left my costume options up to that day...probably not the best idea! I used the trusty old google and ended up being an "autograph book" and had people sign me! Well, not only did it go over well, but I used highlighter for people to sign so it doubled as rave-wear! I'm not a huge fan of this photo, but its a good one of my shirt:

On the front it said "Are You Famous..." and on the back it said "...cause I could use your autograph". I loved this costume and would definitely recommend it to anyone! These are all people from my hall: a gorilla, me, Lucy Liu, and a USC frat boy (there's nothing in that cup :).

For night 2, a friend hosted a Halloween party at her apartment. Again, wanting to look classy and have an inexpensive (NOT CHEAP) costume I looked through my closet to see what I could come up with. I decided to go with a tried and true costume that I've worn for spirit week. I went as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde!

I wore a pink and green polka dot shift with a big pink coat on top! I wore Platinum jacks and was so so so comfy! My friend here is dressed up as champagne! I ABSOLUTELY loved her costume! I told her it was just about as sophisticated as a Halloween costume could get! She wore all cream colored clothing and super sparkly gold and pearl jewelry. She even had a logo on her sweater but I'm blocking it...oops! I loved the gold and opaque gift bow she wore on her head and she had a cork in her bag. Too cute!

Finally for the last night, I was basically all out of ideas. Night 3 in a 3 night ordeal that I don't usually celebrate. I broke down and googled "cheap easy Halloween costumes for college kids". Quite a wordy search so I didn't expect to get much. Well, there are some very creative people out there who suggest wonderful costume ideas! I saw a suggestion for Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune, and knew I could do it! My mom recently bought me a black floor length dress from forever21 that I knew could work with some blingin' jewelry and big high heels (Lilly "the High Life Sandal" actually). Vanna always has perfectly coiffed hair, so I decided to borrow a girl's curling iron from 2 doors down, Lucy Liu actually. These were the curls I came up with (thinking of all Summer Wind's curling tips, which work great by the way):

The quality isn't too good since its from a mirror (EW! so myspace-y I don't ever do it but it was the only way I could get a decent hair shot). I carried around the letter E on a piece of computer paper and asked people if they "Wanted to buy a vowel?". That was when they really knew who I was! Here's a better shot of the whole costume:

This friend of my went as Mrs. Polamalou (I'm probably killing the spelling of that name). We went to the last get together with each other!

I'd say that my 2 goals were accomplished both nights successfully! What were you all for Halloween? See any FABULOUS costumes you can't wait to steal next year? Hope everyone had safe holidays!



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