I have to tell you how absolutely AWESOME my
Aunt is! Remember two posts ago when I listed some of my Williams-Sonoma wishlist items? (If you forgot, please scroll down).. Well, today when I got home from work I had two packages waiting for me. I was pretty confused because I haven't ordered anything lately, my birthday isn't for another two months, and it wasn't just one package.. It was two packages! Well, as I began to open them, I saw the Williams Sonoma sticker and became even more confused.. When I opened them all the way up, I saw..
The Williams-Sonoma Over the Sink Cutting Board, with Colander.. from my Aunt! For no reason other than the fact that she is just one of the best Aunts ever! :-) Or it could be that she is still trying to make up for accidentally poking me in the tushy with my cloth-diaper pin when I was a baby (its a funny story that we all laugh about, clearly the one month old me wasn't laughing). But anyway, I am beyond excited to have this piece that I have been drooling over at WS! Thank you soooo much Aunt Suzie! :-) You're the best!
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