Product Review: Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream

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I have been curious about Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream since it was recommended by Victoria Beckham in her book That Extra Half An Inch, which I read at least 3 or 4 years ago. I came across Eight Hour Cream when we first arrived here while doing a major toiletries haul in Boots (a popular drugstore here in the UK) and I instantly had to have it!
Before moving to London, I'd been warned by friends and facialists alike of the dangers of London damage to one's face and skin. It's a busy city (translation: dirt and smog in the air) and the weather is cooler if not cold (translation: drying to the skin) so a good skincare regime is key!
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer for Face has SPF 15, which is my number 1 necessity for a moisturizer. Even though my NARS primer also has SPF 15, I'm adamant. If I didn't wear make-up, I'd wear moisturizer and there seems to be no end to the damage that sun exposure cand do to your face. Even when it's not sunny or hot outside, you are still exposed. So I'll take as much SPF as I can get on my face!
This moisturizer feels clean, not oily and smells lovely. I've had some great moisturizers that I simply couldn't use because they smelled AWFUL! Eight Hour Cream has left my face feeling clean, yet moisturized and very soft in the face of all the harshness of London. It's also comforting that it is protecting my skin for 8 hours. I would definitely recommend this moisturizer to anyone who is looking for a good moisturizer to soften and protect the face!
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