Random London Post

It's gotten colder in London all of a sudden and it's raining a lot more than it was when we got here. I have to say, it's nice. It's getting dusky now around 4pm and by 5 or 5:30 every day it's pitch dark. This is a photo of the view from our flat at about 4:00 one day last week.

It's also getting really Christmassy here. There's no Thanksgiving in the UK, so Christmas takes off right after Guy Fawkes Night! All the shops are decorated and playing Christmas carols. I don't mind... I'd put up my tree in July if hubs would let me! haha The photo above is a shop that I love here called Butlers. It's German and they have the cutest stuff for the home at really good prices. So when I went on search for the perfect Christmassy couch cushions, this is where I went first!

And I found them! I love the knitted sweater look for Christmas! These cushions are so fluffy and fat and snuggly! I had to have them and I think they'll go pretty well with the black leather couch in our flat.
Last week I also ordered our Christmas tree and all our decorations! I'm so excited for them to come in!!! I decided that since there was so much available and we're starting from scratch to go with the whole Nordic reindeer theme and keep it red, white, green and silver. If you're a regular reader, you probably know that in the past few years, I've had a pink tree with purple, pink, green and turquoise decorations... I've decided to switch it up this year as we left all that stuff behind in Cayman and we're starting over.
On Saturday we went to Greenwich to view a flat. We weren't impressed with the flat, but Greenwich is a lovely part of South London with markets, history, parks and lots of quirky shops! While we were there I found this adorable advent calendar in a cute little shop and I just had to have it!

We also did some other exploring over the weekend.

This is the London Bridge area of London.

The views are really cool on the river.

We could see Tower Bridge from the bridge we were standing on.

I don't know what this big column is, but it's pretty and people were walking around on top of it! I wanna do that too!

This is the famous Gherkin Building in London. My husband is slightly obsessed with this building so we walked over to it. It is pretty impressive and beautiful up close, but from far away, it looks like a Faberge Egg!

Across the street from it is this pub... I laughed and had to snap a photo! What a name!

This is the famous Lloyd's Building... it's really cool and has won awards for architecture or so I'm told by my husband who likes to read books about that kind of stuff.

This is a church in that same area of town. I don't know what it's called, but I thought it was really beautiful and interesting.

This is the Gherkin Building shot by me laying down on a park bench underneath. Fabulous building!

This pub was closed... otherwise, I'd have gone in and ordered an Edward. (bwa ha ha - couldn't resist)

Another beautiful church

My gorgeous husband posing next to this statue because I told him this is what he looks like when he pouts, minus the boobies of course!

It was a great weekend! We also found a pub with a juke box that we like in our neighborhood called The Old Oak! It's a great pub! Many of the London pubs are owned by big corporations and they have no soul... finding what they call a "free house" or an owner opporated pub, can be tricky, but we found one!
How was your weekend?

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