A flying week!

This week is completely flying by! I can't believe its already Wednesday night! Tomorrow is sure to fly by too.. its our office's annual Christmas outing. We're shutting down at 3:00 in the afternoon to head down to the city (Detroit) for dinner at Mario's then the Red Wings game (oh yes L is waaay jealous!) where we have our bank's suite for the evening! I can't wait!

I finally finished my bridesmaid gifts today after work :-) They look so cute I wanted to keep one for myself! I'm really excited for the girls to receive them, though! They will go into the mail tomorrow so hopefully they will each receive them this Saturday. Then, I can post photos!

Now, to take you all on a little blog-trip to Michigan.. here is what you would see here if you looked out your window..

And, just because she's so darn cute.. here's Chesapeake aka "Chessie", my family's Golden!


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