It's a Golden Day..., for the Happy 101 Blog Award! Here are the 10 things that make ME happy:
1. Seeing my family: I'm so thankful to be living with my family again! There's nothing like sleeping in YOUR bed, eating your family's snacks, and cheering on the hometown team (NAVY!) onto victory with the closest people I know!
2. Warm Weather: I haven't really realized how great the weather in SC is. I've completely taken it for granted and it hit me like a ton of bricks when I got home!
3. Being Healthy: I have a horrible cough right now that I seriously need to go get checked out (sorry Mom, you were right I was wrong).
4. Yummy Snacks: Let's face it. I'm a snacker. I don't enjoy real food. I like junk food. The first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem. And I do.
5. Christmas Music: I LOVE Christmas music. It's so fun! What a better way to get into the season (besides an Advent Wreath-they're like the Catholic 25 Days of Christmas) than singing a Christmas song?
6. Wedding Movies/Shows: I'm beginning to realize that I love weddings. My favorite movie is My Best Friend's Wedding, starring Julia Roberts (so cute, see it). I'm obsessed with Say Yes to the Dress on TLC too. Weddings just make everyone happy!
7. Online Browsing: I rarely shop online, but I often will add things to my basket. Sometimes, I'll even check online to see what the store has inside to see if its worth actually going to!
8. Restaurants from Home: There are a few places that I don't have in SC that I visit every time I come home! Some include: California Pizza Kitchen, Robek's, a teeny-tiny Thai restaurant here in Annapolis called Lemongrass, a local Bagel place called Naval Bagels, the Naval Academy, our local Amish Market, and a few others.
9. Preppy Winter Clothes: I love cable-knit sweaters, Polo oxfords in any color, tights, corduroys, and ballet flats.
10. Blogging: I do love the little community that we're all a part of thanks to blogging! It brightens my day to see that I'm now connected to someone in Florida, Connecticut, or even farther away!!
I tag everyone who would like to participate. Thanks to It's a Golden Day, again for tagging me, you're too sweet!
I was tagged by my fellow South Carolinian,
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