Cast a Vote on the Office Curtains...

Happy Monday!

Thank you all so much for your well-wishes for the girls night -
it was a blast, of course,
We stayed up far too late remembering old stories and sharing new ones.
And laughing.
Hope you all had a good weekend :)

Sunday I drove around to several locations of a fabric chain we have here,
because I have a dilemma.

This is my office window.
It's missing a window treatment, right?
(Please excuse this photo,
the glaring light from the sixth foot of snow outside (LOL) threw of the camera wee bit!)

Remember the fabrics for the office?
See the third one down, that fantastic-take-on-a-suzani-with-the-exact-colors-of-my-space?
I found it while buying something else, but could only get three metres.
I assumed I'd be able to pick up more at another location, 
but sadly, none of the SEVEN stores I checked have any. At all.
Most likely because it has been discontinued and was being cleared at a whopping $4.00 a metre!


Here's the dilemma.

Planned to make two panels for either side of the window framing a tortoise-shell blind.
So love the look of these blinds,
and the texture perfectly picks up on all the baskets I have here for storage
 and the wood tones in the room.
The large patterned panels would give some presence to this side of the room -
it's the first thing you see upon entering and it needs to balance
 the busy bits of my desk and shelves on the other side.

Now, since I have limited fabric, I am considering a few other options
 and I am hoping you will weigh in on the one you like the best :)

Option #1

I could simply use the navy stripe (bottom fabric) that I bought as back-up for the panels
 and go ahead with the tortoise-shell blinds. 
The suzani fabric would work for some other items in the room, possible inspiration board cover, etc..
This is my least favorite option because although it would frame the window out nicely,
 I really want to bring this area to life with some pattern (namely my fabric :)

Option #2
Keep some pattern by using oatmeal linen for panels and
 sewing bands of suzani along the bottom,
 but this feels a bit tired to me - you?

Option #3

Create roman blinds of my beloved suzani for each window section and skip the panels.
Clean and tailored, and I have just enough fabric to pull it off!
This will give the area the boost it needs without overwhelming the space.
I think it's my best option.

Option #4

I could sew up simple blissfully patterned cafe curtains 
(which would mean never having to fuss with any window treatment)
 Like this becauseit also gives me a lick of privacy if I am working in the evening.

So what do you think?

I would really appreciate your thoughts, all you talented ladies out there!
This is a busy week for me, but going to try and get started on these in the next couple of days..


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