Healthy Wife, Healthy Life

After a two week hiatus, Healthy Wife, Healthy Life is back! :o)

I really didn't mean to drop off the radar so much the last two weeks, but life has been sort of hectic as I'm trying to adjust to a new job and new schedule. I'm loving my new job, but just trying to balance work, school, and home life! As I was thinking about what to write about for today's HWHL, I thought it would be perfect to talk about the ways that I unwind and de-stress. I think its very appropriate given the fact that my own stress level has risen a little bit as I've been getting into the swing of a new job!

As we all know, there is good stress and bad stress. Either way, it is STRESS! We all need a way to relieve it; to relax, unwind, and give ourselves a chance to take a breather. From experience, I know that stress can really take a toll on a person. I remember how stressed out I always was at my last job and it had effects on me that I didn't even realize until I was no longer working there. I was not in my best frame of mind- I had a shorter temper, was tired a lot, and even had some negative health effects which, to me, is the scariest part.

Stress relief is really important for my mind, body, and soul. Here is how I unwind...

Kickboxing. Ever have a terrible day at work or have had it up to "here" with someone? Go to a kickboxing class. Not only does it clear your mind, you get to punch, kick, and sweat the stress away! My kickboxing class is such therapy for me. The endorphins get pumping and I come away from class with a clear mind and a healthier body! I feel the effects long after class too! I overall have more energy each day to deal with whatever stress may come my way!

Cooking & Baking. This is a huge stress reliever for me. When I can bury myself in a cookbook or recipe and go through the step-by-step instructions to preparing something, its therapeutic for me. I love gathering up ingredients, setting them all out, then following the steps to creating something wonderful. I truly prefer making things from scratch over "boxed recipes". I love the process. What's even better, I love the outcomes :o)

Walking & Hiking. Nothing feels better than a long walk in the woods. Unfortunately, we don't live too close to any. But any time we can make it to a somewhat nearby reserve, are Up North, or are visiting my Dad or Grandparents, a nice long hike in the woods is always on the agenda. There is something so calming and refreshing about being in the middle of nature with only the sounds and smells of the woods around you. In the summer, Lance and I love taking walks in the evening around our neighborhood too. Its such a great time to hang out together, talk, and get some fresh air!

Being able to relax and lose myself in something I enjoy is an important part of keeping myself healthy. It brings my mind and body back to its happy medium and better prepares me to tackle any stress that may come my way! Its a big component to a healthy life and healthy home!

How about you? How do you unwind and de-stress?


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