The basement is on its way :-)

Mr. Hockey finished painting the basement today!!!! Hooray! That brings us a giant LEAP closer to be finished! Yesterday, we found the perfect carpet (not too pricey, but still pretty). We lucked out and found it on a whim.. seriously, we were driving home from running other errands and decided literally last minute to swurve into a nearby carpet shop. They just happened to have a HUGE sale on the perfect carpet for this project. Its a creamy off-white, with a sort of waffle-pattern of indents. Now, you may be like.. why on earth are you so excited about carpet for a basement? Well, let me tell you, normally I think basement/industrial carpet is GROSS! I hate the multi-coloration, and its hard to dish out a ton of money for carpet that could be damaged due to moisture and other fun basement stuff. So, we lucked out :-) Anyway, in the spirit of being that much closer to our beautiful addition, we ordered the wall hanging I was raving about a couple of weeks ago, from Pottery Barn! And, the decorating gods were really loving us yesterday because it was on sale from $100 down to $40. *Big Smiles Here!* Carpet will go in next week, baseboards will be installed, furniture will be purchased, and the finished product will be on its way!! I promise to post pictures when its finished!

On a completely different note, I'm a huge fan of the Travel Channel's "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern." Last week he was in Minnesota, of all places, and ate something that really intrigued me, lol. It was a hamburger with peanut butter on it - The "Goober Burger." I know, sounds kind of yucky.. but he really seemed to like it so I thought, "well, we have hamburger meat, peanut butter, and buns, so what can it hurt?" So, tonight when I got home from work, I made hamburgers for Mr. Hockey & I and made a special one just for peanut butter for us to try. To make a long story short, its not bad, not amaaazing, but definitely something I can see myself enjoying every once in a great while. If you're not feeling as ambitious, though, and find yourself in Minnesota, you can get the real thing at My Sister's Place, in Grand Marais.


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