I am planning on wearing flat sandals that happen to be the same color as the ring on the dress(Platinum Jacks) so that I don't tower over everyone else (and I already own them, which means I can focus those dollars on another area of my prom budget). I can't wait to wear this dress and hopefully no one else is wearing it either (actually, to prevent this, I started a school dress registry, copying some other area schools after seeing how popular and how well it was working, online!)
"But are there any other options??" you ask. Well, of course. There are multi-millions of options out there. Some may not be as preppy, but if you rock the same pink and green color scheme, you will most definitely get the point across. The "Chellis Chiffon Dress" by Lilly is a floor length dress (that my boss wanted me to get) that can most definitely be dressed up or rocked the way it is. It comes in Fishalicious (in Chiffon) or Ok Coral (in Cotton Lurex). It is very cute, but has a very deep V-neck which made me feel a little uncomfortable. (Additionally, I would advise all girls not to go strapless. I heard a horror story from the girl who sits next to me in my math class that last year, she stepped on the front of her dress, tugging it a little, and ended up FLASHING our principal. OUCH! Don't let that wardrobe malfunction happen to you, don't go strapless!) Anywho, there are other (non strapless) Lilly options that shouldn't be too difficult to locate.
**Here's a tip: to check if an item is still on the market/available/in your size, always check inthepinkonline.com they have a huge selection of Lilly clothing and are a signature store which means upwards of 80% of their stuff is solely Lilly.
Continuing, options for those who want to stay in the Lilly genre include the Amber Dress (Chiffon), the Angelette Dress (Cotton Lurex, Chiffon) and the Jackie Dress (Silk Oxford). Their respective lengths are long, short, long, and the come in great colors (really you have your pinks, greens, blues, and yellows covered in these babies!).
But what if I want to be preppy, but not Lilly, per se? Well, there are still options. A big trend in this year's prom is "Ombre". Ombre is a type of coloring where a solid color flows into another color. At Bloomingdale's there is a specific dress that I am thinking of: it has the Ombre style and fades from green to pink, it is pretty extreme, but if you like it, I'd say totally go for it! Its a cool, different dress that many people won't have the guts to wear. http://www1.bloomingdales.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=107632&CategoryID=8493&PageID=8490*1*24*-1*-1*Y*38 it does have a pricey tag, but it is prom! (And I know, for any moms out there it is so not worth is and "we always buld it up to be so great and then it stinks"). That's a cool option, either way. Another emerging trend for '08 is short dresses. They are really making it to the forefront advertising comfort, ease of movement, and a canvas to accessorize! Now, with a less-traditional short dress, you can go in a gazillion directions! The dresses range from plain green, to wow-za! zebra, and you can take your dress in a multitude of directions, which is cool for you really creative types (I've always been totally jealous!)
Prom should be a fun experience, but the dress shouldn't mean everything. Ok, so you may not find that perfect dress, so go in a cotton dress that you like, and hey, you're the most comfortable girl there, not to mention, you're breating easily, and your SWEETSWEET hairstyle is now the focus of your night! After prom find some fun, comfy (+preppy) clothes to crash in at your school's after prom party. I can't wait for all of this to really start coming together, stay in tune!
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