You Ask, I Answer! Part 1

A few weeks back, I asked you all to send me some material to write about in the form on You Ask, I Answer! I think these are so much fun and they give me something to write about when I otherwise have bloggers block! I'm just going to answer a few at a time when as I get time to sit down and blog.. so, here it goes! Please feel free to send me some more!

1. How did you and your husband meet?

My husband and I met during my freshman year in high school. We grew up in the same town (for the most part- he moved to Michigan from Connecticut in 2nd grade), and I knew his youngest brother in elementary school, but never had the chance to meet him until just before starting 9th grade. Honestly, the first time I saw him I had the hugest crush on him. He was adorable with his blonde hair and big, blue eyes. To top it off, he had (and still has) the best personality. We were friends that entire year and had so much fun laughing and being silly with friends together. Both of us had "significant others" during that year, but at the very end of the year we were both single and things sort of just fell into place. We each told the other how much we really liked one another but had been too afraid to say anything all year because we thought the other one just wanted to be friends. I can't even explain the happiness I felt when he confessed this to me. Sure, we were "young and in love", but our love grew into a beautiful grown up love as the years went on. He is my best friend, my rock, and the love of my life, still :o)

2. If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would it be?

If I could go anywhere, I would want to go to Europe for an entire month and just travel. I would want to see the big cities but also spend time in the countryside seeing things from the "small-town" side. I've always wanted to spend a week in a farmhouse in Ireland, or a villa in Tuscany. Lance and I really want to plan a trip there sometime in the future.. maybe next summer? ;o)

3. I love the recipes you post. What is your favorite go-to recipe when you're attending a pot-luck party?

Thank you! I love, love, love to cook and try new recipes. For potlucks, I have 2 recipes that I have used often. One is super easy, one takes a little more preparation. The first is baked brie with dried cherries. So good I could eat the whole thing myself! All you have to do is buy a wheel of brie, cut off the top layer of "skin", sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top, cover in foil and bake on 350 for about 20-30 minutes (keep an eye on it). Mid way through baking, add dried cherries to the top of it and let it continue to bake. Serve with crackers and watch everyone enjoy!

The second is Lemon Fusilli with Arugula. You can find the recipe on my sidebar. I add less lemon than the recipe calls for and it is delicious! All of my friends and family who have tried it have LOVED it. Its great reheated as well in case you have to warm it up when you get to the potluck.


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