21-30 Things About Me!

I know, I know.. I missed the Monday things about me last week. So sorry! But, this week, its back in action!

21. It would be a dream come true to be able to cook alongside Martha Stewart, Giada DeLaurentis, Paula Deen, or Mario Batali. But, its just as wonderful to cook alongside my grandma :-)

22. I fell in a dolphin tank once at the Dolphin Research Center in the Florida Keys. I was 5 and terrrrified. The dolphin trainer had to pull me out. I was sobbing but got a free private dolphin show and a t-shirt that said "I Swam With The Dolphins." The t-shirt should have said.. "I tripped and fell into the dolphin tank and can't swim yet.."

23. I had a true ghost/haunting experience when I was in New Orleans with L a few years ago. It was something I will never forget.

24. My family has vacationed on Martha's Vineyard for as long as I can remember. It is one of my absolute favorite places to be in the world. I hope to have my own vacation home there one day.. or maybe just live there full-time :-) The Black Dog in Vineyard Haven has THE BEST PANCAKES anywhere! We will be going this October and I can hardly wait.

25. I am infatuated with American History and Native Americans. I can read about the topics for hours, and love visiting American historical sites. I took Native American Literature and Native American History in college and thoroughly enjoyed both classes.

26. I'm currently learning how to play the guitar. I have a long way to go, but I absolutely love it. The goal is to be able to play pretty "ok" so that my sisters and I can write our own music. Which leads to #27...

27. I am in a singing trio with two of my sisters. We sing country music and recently auditioned for the show Nashville Star. We made it through every round but unfortunately did not get the call to go on the show. We're not bitter though because it was an am-az-ing experience that we will never forget. It only helped us even further develop as performers. We have a lot of fun doing what we do and look forward to having more time to do it! Its definitely been hard to get together as much as we want when two of us were in a college and one still home in high school.

28. I am afraid of squirrels. I know, kinda silly.. but I used to have nightmares about them when I was little and ever since I have been really squirmy when I'm around them. It didn't help that they pretty much ran my college campus. They weren't afraid of anyone or anything. They would literally walk right in front of me while I was walking to class and I would have to stop to let them pass. Creeeeepy!

29. I love being in Northern Michigan. Our state has some of the most beautiful nature in the world and it just feels good to be there. We grew up going Up North several times a year. My dad is an avid bow hunter and fly-fisherman and he really taught us how to appreciate the outdoors. I can never thank him enough for that gift.

30. I want to backpack through Europe. I don't know that I would do the full summer thing, but L and I have talked about going for a couple of weeks and just traveling the continent. Ohhh it would be so amazing!! One day :-)

Well, hope you enjoyed 10 More! I'm off to start cooking dinner.. trying the Lemon Fusilli Pasta recipe for the first time tonight. We have another couple coming for dinner and I hope everyone enjoys it, including myself! Thanks for posting it Always Organizing!


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