Dukan Diet Day 3 Update and Random London Fun!

It's day 3 of the Dukan Diet and there have been many victories! Firstly, both my husband and I lost 3 pounds in 2 days! We also survived our first day out in the city with other people and we did great! I was forced to watch others eat cupcakes and muffins while I abstained, but my eyes are on the prize so I was perfectly fine munching on the chicken I packed up in a tupperware inside my purse! Above is a picture of our grocery shopping from the other day! Notice anything missing like cheese, veggies, fruit, bread? We're doing great and so far, it seems that I'm not overly tired, but I do experience highs and lows throughout the day. I'll have a lot of energy and then I'll crash for a bit and then right back to bouncy and then crash again! It's totally bearable and I seem to be getting used to it! Otherwise, I'm feeling great and so is my husband!

On Monday, the day before we started the diet, we went for our version of The Last Supper! Pizza and pasta at our favorite Italian restaurant, Il Mascalzone on Putney High Street. We won't be going back there anytime soon, but I'll look forward to the day when we can once again enjoy dinner there! It's a great restaurant and the staff is super friendly!

I couldn't resist sharing this! Some of the souvineer shops in London are selling Royal Wedding condoms! Hilarious!

Today we went to the Natural History Museum! It's a beautiful building!

The dinosaurs were impressive!

The place was full of kids! If you have children and either live in London or plan to visit London, I would highly recommend the Natural History Museum as a great family attraction in London!

My favorite was the T-rex that moves and roars!

It was a great day! Now I'm all systems go for some Royal Wedding Watching tomorrow!!! I'm sooooo excited!

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