My Sweet Girl!

We are so, so in love with our sweet little Tilly Mae! Lance and I are so happy to have a furry little addition at home. She's so sweet, cuddly, and well-mannered. Sure, she has daggers for teeth and LOVES to chew, but her temperament is very calm and she loves to snuggle.

The first week after we brought her home we were total pushovers. We knew we had to get her sleeping schedule in line right away, but it was HEARTBREAKING to hear her cry. We gave in pretty much every night that week. I know a lot of people crate train and swear by it, but even when we put her in a crate, next to our bed, she was so sad! However, when I went back to work the following Monday, and she had to stay in her pen (we have it set up in the dining room) I think she got the idea. That night she only cried for a couple of minutes and then went right to sleep! Success!

She gave us quite a scare last Thursday night, though! Lance got up around 1 AM to let her out to go to the bathroom and he noticed that her face was really swollen! He immediately woke me up and I was so worried when I saw her big swollen eye, lips, and paws! She was not a happy camper and we knew we had to take her to the Animal E.R. We went in and the Vet told us she must have been bitten by an insect and had an allergic reaction. Before it could affect her respiratory system, they gave her a steroid and some benedryl with instructions to keep an eye on her. Luckily, her swelling was almost completely gone by the following afternoon and we could breathe easy again. Scary!

We are so happy to have this little love to come home to everyday! Lance and I talked about how Miss Tilly is the Golden our future children will grow up with and it makes me smile so big to think about :o) She is and will continue to be a cherished member of our family for the next couple of decades!


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