RUE Mag: New Issue and Exclusive Shopping

I got the Rue email in my inbox and was shocked - 
we're at issue no. five already?

Packed with inspiration, as always..

a bit of happy for your morning....

with lace in full swing in the fashion world,
it's no wonder this treatment found it's way onto the walls of
PR firm Bollare, whose clients include fashionista-faves ShopBop and more...

How stunning is this vignette?

Gold sometimes verges on Trump-tacky,
but this antique gold mixed with this pale (bare?) wood makes my heart beat just a little faster...

DIY party favours that keep the succulent trend fun and easy..


I think I am in love.
These Brutalist chandeliers by Curtis Jere now top my lighting wish list.

Their patina is spectacular...


An affordable alternative to bring that caramel campaign-inspired
goodness I've been drooling over at Anthro -
this chair is only $490!  

Thank you, Rue.

Michelle Armas is everywhere these days.

I'm planning on building a gallery wall in my own dining room around her brilliant work - 
love this Ochi print - moody and whimsical at once, filled with triangles and color - 
what more could a wall want?

But the jewel in the crown this month was discovering Rue has opened a selection at The Foundary -
on-line shopping hand-picked by Anne Sage and Crystal Genitiello.
I'm registered, but am going to lock up my credit cards before venturing over!

Have you checked out this issue?
What inspired you?


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