Commencement 2009!

Well, now that its all over-graduation and all that it entails-I have some time to write. I'm actually back from my school's beach week because I decided that it WAS NOT for me and headed back with (a saint of) a girl who was making the way back-thank you a million times, Kate! Baccalaureate was a raving success and I had SO much fun there. There were such good performances by a bunch of my classmates and they really showed off their pipes! This is a picture of Kathleen, me, Lizzie and Sarah. We're all at Baccalaureate and headed to USC. We have gotten a bunch of "South Carolina Girls" pictures. The 4 of us are all going there and Kathleen even wants to be a nurse too! This is me and Ben. We've gone to school for 12 years together, sorry Ben, I had to break the pattern, I decided to choose USC over...MIT. Yeah, the real MIT from the movie 21. No joke. He's 6'7'' and going to play basketball there, and he's just a little smarter than I am!! He-he.

Graduation was a blast too. My friend Evalyse brought up a great point. It was really one of those like "life-long" moments and she kept telling herself, "Remember this. Remember this. Remember this!!" This is a shot taken of my "group". I ended up wearing my Kate Spade shoes just for fun, and hey-both my PRINCIPAL and some other Director said something. Literally, AS I WAS WALKING ACROSS THE STAGE TO GET MY REAL DIPLOMA. I will always remember my walk across the stage. As you can see I'm the only one without some kind of neutral shoe on. It was awesome. Actually no one else in my graduating class had shoes like mine!

Also, I know I promised a photo of my USC bedding, and here I am to follow through! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this and my mom picked it up kind of as a surprise. She just found it and had to buy it and thank God she did because it is perfect!!! Hope everyone is having a fabulous beginning to their summers! USC move-in is officially 2 months from Monday!



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