I see you, Summer.

The last Friday of the school year is over. Whew.

That means, 3 1/2 more days of wrapping up 2010/2011, and then it is officially Summer Vacation!

What are my summer plans? I think a bulleted list is appropriate here!
  • Relax and wind down. It has been a doozy of a year. Between finishing up my education certification, student teaching, raising another puppy, and working.. I'm ready to relax and focus on some of my hobbies that have taken a seat on the back-burner.
  • Spend quality time with my husband and our dogs. My little family, even the furry 50% of it, mean everything to me!
  • I plan to take a Photoshop class this summer. I have really enjoyed experimenting with photography over the last year, and I know I have so much more to learn!
  • Spend more time in the kitchen. For four months I was CONSUMED with student teaching, and the time spent out of the kitchen reached a level that I don't like. I'm excited to get back into the kitchen and to blog about the new recipes just waiting for me to try!
  • Get focused on fitness. This is another one that has fallen to the wayside. But I'm ready to get back in shape! I'd like to run a 5K in September.
  • Plant a vegetable garden. I have been wanting to do this since we were married almost two years ago. This is the summer!
  • Begin the process of looking for a full time teaching position. I have a few schools in mind and now I just have to get the process moving!
  • Read. I love to read and I cherish the summertime when I can lay in our hammock and get lost in a book.
  • Spend time with my sisters in Chicago. They live in the most fabulous city and I plan to make a couple of long weekend trips there.
  • Explore some new places in Michigan. Our state is really beautiful (especially northern Michigan) and there are some places that Lance and I would really like to experience. Tahquamenon Falls in the upper peninsula and some of the vineyards in Traverse City are at the top of the list!
Most of all, I just plan to enjoy.

I see you, Summer.


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