

Well, I'm home from work today. As I type this I have my left foot elevated with an ice pack around it :( No, I didn't fall or twist anything. I wish because then, I would atleast know what is wrong. I have been having some slight straining pains in my foot for the past few weeks. I thought maybe I hurt it running or something and that it would go away on its own. Plus, the pain was totally bearable so I didn't do anything about it. Well, last night the pain started to get really bad. L rubbed my foot for awhile and it still felt terrible. The only way I can describe it is as a deep, throbbing pain somewhere in my arch. Anyway, I managed to fall asleep but awoke several times from the pain. I was up at 5:30 and it felt so bad I couldn't get back to sleep. Soooo, down to the couch I went, took 3 advil (which didn't help at all!), wrapped it with ice and propped it up on 3 stacked pillows. Luckily I fell back asleep for a few hours so I'm not tired AND hurting now, but geeeeez, what is with my foot!? I called my grandpa (who is a surgeon) to get a take on my symptoms and am waiting on his call back because he was out running errands. My grandma (nurse) thinks I don't wear shoes with enough support (but they're all sooooo cute!! haha) so that may be the culprit. We will see what Dr. Grandpa has to say. Anyway, grandma was so cute, she said.. "Well you'll need to wear not so cute tennis shoes for awhile, but on Saturday (the day of their 50th Anniversary celebration), wear your heels and we'll have the boys carry you to your chairs." Always thinking grandma! :-)

Alright, back to my homemade hospital bed.. uggggh.


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