Pink Julep at the Movies: When in Rome

Mr. Julep and I rented When in Rome tonight. It was an anticlimactic experience to say the least. I'm pretty disappointed since I love Kristen Bell, but the only word I can find to describe this film is SILLY! It's not awful, but it's almost insulting to adults to pass it off as a grown-up film (not to be confused with porn/adult films) and have it be such a fairy tale type story...

The story centers around Beth, a curator in an art museum who travels to Rome for her sisters wedding. She goes to the Fountain of Love and removes several coins, causing all those people to fall in love with her and in short, driving her crazy. I won't ruin it for you from there in case you feel inclined to waste 2 hours watching for yourself. I typically love any girly flick, but this one was right up there with All About Steve... just BAD.

Did any of you see it? If so, what did you think?

Pink Julep!


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