Tag! I'm it!

I've been tagged by Life is Reed-iculous!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was probably a few days from becoming and 8th grader.. therefore, I was running in track meets, growing out my bangs, hanging out at the wave pool, and obsessing over high school boys with my friends, haha.

2. What are 5 things on your to do list today?
1) go running.. which i will probably have to go to the fitness club to do since its sooo hot!
2) order a wedding shower gift for one of my sorority sisters!
3) organize the millions of photos I have piled on my desk!
4) make dinner.. I think its going to be Mexican tonight :)
5) hang some framed photos downstairs with L when he gets home from work!

3. Snacks you enjoy?
Chips with spinach & artichoke dip, cashews, blackberries and pineapples.. yumm!

4. Places you've lived?
My momma's, my dad's, 2 apartments and my sorority house on campus, and now with my sweetie-pie! All in Michigan.. for now!

5. What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1) Buy my dream house!
2) Travel the whooooole world :)
3) Give lots and lots to my favorite charities.
4) Buy a lifetime supply of Red Wings Season Tickets for L.
5) Shop, shop, and more shopping.... a lot.

Now its YOUR turn:

Well I Do Declare
Waterfront Preppy
Zeebabee Designs



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