Happy Canada Day! Welcome home, Mocha..

Vancouver celebrates Team Canada Hockey Gold Medal 2010 by Ben Russell Photojournalist.

July first, Canada Day.
A national holiday to celebrate the things we love about our country:

freedom, multiculturalism, poutine :)

The Great Outdoors, hockey, beer,

and my favourite, the "niceness" of Canadians...

The fact that Canadians (in general!!) are kind and genuinely compassionate
 makes me very proud of my country, these are values I hold dear.

So in the spirit of all that kindness and compassion,
 D. the kids and I are about to do something crazy:
we are adopting a dog from the shelter.

We have always had dogs, even met while walking our dogs in the park, 101 Dalmation-style..
his dog, Zeus, was only a pup, a chocolate lab, and my dog, Mojo, was a 2 year old husky.

His dog followed us around until we started talking, and the rest is history..

They were the best of buddies, and once they had both passed away,
 we felt a like there was a hole in our family.
 That meant a puppy, and after going just to "look", 
we found ourselves bringing home Hooch from a breeder last spring.

Now, our other dogs were really well-behaved, lovely mutts
 that we could be confident bringing anywhere..

Have you read the book Marley and Me?

Well, Hooch and him would get on perfectly!

He has been a CHALLENGE for the last year, 
and now that we've just arrived
 at a place where we can trust him to do that right thing most of the time, 
we have decided to rescue another...

Chocolate Labrador Retriever Picture

Her name is Mocha, a nine-month old Chocolate Lab
who she lives in a foster home two hours away.
We haven't met her yet, have talked at length to her foster Mum
 and both agree her personality makes her a perfect fit for our house.

Today we will find out...

Labs are ENERGETIC, and need lots of exercise to be calm in the house.
this is Hooch AFTER threes hours of tobogganing..

It's a shame people don't research the temperment of their chosen breed more before adopting,
so many dogs are given to the pound just for being themselves.
Mocha was a Christmas present that didn't work out.

If you are thinking about adding a new dog to your family, 
please visit perfinder.com for needy dogs in Canada and The States.
There are so many unwanted dogs out there, it's heartbreaking.

So, pink collar in hand, off we go to meet our Mocha!
Cross your fingers for us...

til next time...


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