Blahhh Blogger...

Lately I feel like my blog has been kind of.. blaaahh. I know I have not written any really interesting posts lately, and the posts I have put up are sort of half-tushy. I am not happy about this. I know what I want my blog to be all about. I know that I want to make it a priority to blog daily. I have the time.. its summertime and I'm a teacher for goodness sakes!

So, what's my excuse? There isn't one.

I need to sit down and give Oh, Sweet September some good ol' fashion TLC.

From here on out, I'm going to be a better blogger. There! Its out there for all of blog-land to hold me accountable! :)

Hope I haven't lost all of you wonderful ladies as readers! Stay tuned, I promise Oh, Sweet September will be more fun from here on out!!


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