Diamond Award :-)

I'm so happy and honored to have received "The Diamond Award" from Her Highness of Cute! Its always good to know that people are enjoying reading what you write, and I'm happy to be able to spread the love!! As the rules state, I must acknowledge that I have received this award.. Check!, and then pass it on to 7 bloggers that I think deserve the award as well, along with links to their blogs! Here it goes...

1. Nautical By Nature, she makes me want to visit Austrailia! And, she always has such adorable preppy and nautical finds! I have made several purchases after finding some adorable things in her posts!

2. Blue Eyed Bride, a blog that I thoroughly enjoy reading! She always has such great topics, whether its just about everyday life or the happenings in the world. Its always great stuff! Her wedding posts are always adorable too!

3. le petite blog, this girl has great fashion sense! Her recommendations are always the best. I swear, everytime I read her blog I want to run out and buy the pieces she's posted about! Such great finds!

4. Puttin' on the G.R.I.T.S., this girls blog is always hilarious and she makes the most interesting posts! I love her stories on her adventures with Country, and her food posts (biscuits and honey yumm) make me take a little trip to my own kitchen!

5. Zeebabee Designs, not only because she's my Aunt, but because she has begun such an amazing business and invites everyone to join her along the way! And her posts always make me laugh.. but then again, she always makes me laugh anyway!

6. Waterfront Preppy, one of my dearest friends! She has a great blog full of her fun wedding planning and her new life in San Francisco! I miss her much, but love being able to catch up on her always interesting blog!!

7. Always Organizing, for her obviously great organizing tips and the fact that she's such a sweetheart!

Of course I could send this award out to many others. So many of you make my daily reads and I have so much enjoyed being a part of the blogging community! So to all of you Diamond bloggers out there, keep being so fabulous :)


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